Delivery Day - South American Shirts Arrive!

Delivery Day - South American Shirts Arrive!

As you know, we love delivery day here at Surprise Shirts. Yesterday, our favourite deal so far landed in the warehouse - brand new shirts, all the way from Argentina!

We have 8 new teams that we've never sent out before, with loads of different  designs (some very classy, some absolutely mental!) We've even got some shirts from our favourite manufacturer... as we are Coventry fans, I'm sure you can guess who it is!

All of the shirts have been sorted and are ready to go into our boxes! We're very excited about how these shirts will be received and also excited about the next deals we have in the queue!

Look out for more pictures of these shirts on our social media pages!

Thanks for reading!

Christmas Delivery

We are now past our Christmas Guarantee Date. We can no longer guarantee that any orders placed now will arrive before Christmas, however we will try our best to fulfil as many orders as possible. We thank you for your understanding.